Decide whether tree stump removal is right for you!
Trees are a glorious beauty to behold, they provide oxygen and add a great aesthetic to any property. However, it may be that a certain tree was becoming hazardous to your roof or grew too close to the siding and was causing more harm than could be afforded. Trees require proper maintenance and oftentimes placement of trees aren’t taken into consideration and the tree’s branches and roots may be damaging to pipes and the foundation. Such cases can instigate chopping down a tree in order to remedy these concerns, yet oftentimes the tree stump remains. Some may choose to ignore the trouble and let it remain, for others tree stump removal is the next step in the process to reach their ultimate end goal. Consider why tree stump removal may be a good idea or option for your property. (Flat roofing)
What is tree stump removal?
Basically, after a tree has been cut down or fallen the stump or base of the tree still remains. This small portion of the trunk is stuck to the ground as there is still a network of roots that are anchoring it to the ground. Stump removal can involve the techniques of tree stump removal or tree stump grinding.
Can a tree stump still grow?
A tree stump can occasionally continue growing. However, you must weigh the pros and cons. Roots will eventually run out of nutrients and decompose which can cause damages to the area surrounding them. If not properly controlled root growth can damage pipes, sidewalks or other parts of your property.
Why do tree stumps grow back?

Although roots will eventually stop growing, sprouts may blossom into another tree.
Although a tree’s roots eventually stop growing after a tree has been chopped down they can have enough fuel to produce a few sprouts. If the sprouts develop enough leaves than they can grow into a tree.
How much does it cost to remove a tree stump?
The average cost of tree stump removal ranges from $60-$350 per stump or with an average cost of $2-$3 per diameter of the stump. Prices will usually depend on factors such as size, age or other info. If you’re interested in a DIY than it may cost you from $75-$150.
Should I leave the tree stump?
It’s up to you whether you’d like to save on the time, cost and effort it takes to remove a tree stump. However, there are other concerns of decomposition or regrowth that should be taken into consideration that may have you spending the time, cost and effort anyhow. It’s only in some cases that trees can regenerate out of the stumps, however, if you want to clear the space in order to grow another tree than stump removal is recommended for space purposes. It’s best to consider each scenario as a case by case basis before jumping to a conclusion. Be sure to consider the conditions of your particular case. There are also professional tree stump removal services that will be able to take a look at the area and do the job in your stead if that is a concern. (Fort Worth, TX tree excavation)
Is it better to grind a stump or remove it?

Root growth can be four to ten times the size of the actual tree!
Tree stump removal or grinding are different techniques in the tree stump removal process. The tree stump removal technique involves removing the whole stump along with the root ball of the tree. Normally when a tree grows there is a root ball that grows along with the tree, it can expand considerable depending on the size of the tree. In general, a tree root ball can be anywhere from four to ten times the size of the tree! That’s why it’s considered a challenging job to remove it and is usually reserved for professionals. Once the root ball is removed along with the stump than a hole will remain in the ground in its place.
The stump grinding technique involves using a grinder to ground the stump into smaller pieces. These small pieces can be used later on as a ground cover or even mulch. Once the stump has been grounded until it’s a few inches below the earth then it’s covered by dirt and dust. After a period of time has passed, this portion will decay along with the surrounding roots. Since this method is easier and saves time it is considered the more economical option in tree stump removal. An added bonus is that there won’t be a hole in the ground with this technique. However, if you have soil, plants or a replacement tree than the tree stump removal technique can still be a viable option to consider.
If you need tree stump removal in Fort Worth, TX call (817) 717-7737 with Tree Spark!